Dentist Questions Dentist

Wisdom teeth extraction or filling?

Hi there!

Little background I had braces when I was 13 removed at 15. I had 4 of my adult teeth removed two on the top and two on the bottom to make room because I had a issue with crowding priory to braces. When I had the braces removed my ortho told me don’t rush to have my wisdom teeth taken out when I get older because I have a lot of space in the back.

Fast forward, I kept my wisdom teeth (1 tooth is kind of impacted partially under gum. I was okay for the longest time no pain or anything. However now at age 28 is have developed cavities on two of them one being the impacted tooth.

Being 4 teeth short already will removing all my wisdom teeth cause any negatives long term when I get older. Should I consider trying to save the wisdom teeth instead of extracting?

Female | 28 years old
Complaint duration: 6 months
Medications: None
Conditions: None

6 Answers

Thanks for reaching out. You need to see a dentist right away. They need to examine your wisdom teeth. Preferably get a Ct Scan done. I can’t provide any answers until I review your medical history and X-rays. Thanks
Removing wisdom teeth after diagnosis by a Dentist using appropriate radiographs is not directly associated the 4 teeth you got removed for braces. Saving wisdom teeth will also be based on Dentist clinical and radiographic diagnosis.
Is difficult to gave you my diagnosis unless get your X-rays or to see your X-ray .in General if the wisdoms gave hard time to the pts ,we extract them.
First of all to consider is the fact that the assessment and plan of when you were a teen was wrong due to the fact that one tooth is still impacted. The wait and see concept works for somethings but not all. An appropriately trained and skilled professional evaluating the situation as a teen could have more accurately assessed the situation. Who evaluated the situation? An oral surgeon or other type dentist? Oral surgeon are the ones that frequently have to deal with the poor decisions made for people when they are teens by non oral surgeons. Also to consider in the defense of the opinion when you were a teen is continuous monitoring, which appears to not have happened, otherwise this present situation would have been discovered earlier. The tooth that is impacted did not just become impacted, it has always been impacted ever since. As a result it would be best not to base any future plans or decisions on past assessments as they were wrong, You probably should have had those teeth removed many years ago, perhaps around 18-20 ish. You will do just fine without these teeth versus the cost, pain and so on of trying to retain them over the years. They will eventually be at a point of needing to be removed based on what’s happening now. Remember the effects of dental disease occurs as a function of time. You just have not had enough time at 28.
Three molars are not necessary and I recommend extraction. Saving a useless impacted tooth is not worthwhile.
If your partially impacted wisdom teeth are cavitated, then I would strongly recommend extraction. You should not suffer any long term effects from their removal. Please see an oral surgeon to have them removed.