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Wisdom teeth removal concerns?

I was switched back to regular food by my parents 4-5 days after removal but switched back to soft foods. Also was made to do treadmill for 30 minutes the second day of recovery and have been the entire recovery week with no breaks.I sometimes get a bad taste in my mouth but after I rinse with saltwater or mouthwash it goes away. There's still a little bit of swelling and at night it sometimes hurts a bit more.I don't know if I have a dry socket or infection but I also don't know if I should book another appointment with my oral surgeon who did the surgery. I'm almost done with my medication and I don't know how long should be a concern if my lower jaw still hurts. I had all four wisdom teeth removed but my top jaw doesn't seem to have a problem only my lower jaw.

Female | 16 years old
Complaint duration: 3-4 days
Medications: Acetaminophen,Ibuprofen,Amoxicillin

1 Answer

Checking in with the surgeon would be a good idea. Is the pain decreasing at all? If not, call! Keep rinsing after you eat.