General Practitioner Questions Stomach Ache

Would you be able to give me an idea of what might be wrong with me

I have an upset stomach, nausea and dizziness. I don't feel in touch with my surroundings, and I'm not sleeping very well. I don't have a fever.

Female | 17 years old
Complaint duration: a few weeks
Medications: Enskyce(Birth Control)
Conditions: Anemia and Asthma

1 Answer

It sounds like your symptoms are stemming from your feelings. Could you be having a heat stroke? Do you have any friends you can confide in? Family? Good relationship with your family doctor? Been in any accidents? Family history of mental illness? Abusing any drugs? Smoking? Overwieght? In school? How is it there? If not, how is your work? If not working, then what?