Physiatrist (Physical Medicine) Questions Numbness

Is there any medicine for feeling numbness?

Every time I am in one position for a little long, I end up getting this numbness that often feels like pins and needles. Is there any form of treatment for this feeling or is it something I will have to deal with?

6 Answers

You do not state where the pins and needles sensation is or what position you are lying in when this occurs. Anyway, The numbness and pins-and-needles sensation you experience when remaining in one position for a prolonged period is likely due to nerve compression or reduced blood flow. Fortunately, there are treatments available. You can try adjusting your posture regularly, taking short breaks to stretch and move around. Additionally, ergonomic modifications to your workspace or using supportive cushions may provide relief.

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Go to see a physiatrist for nerve conduction tests. Pins and needles are nerve related. It may be something simple, but it’s always best to check things out. Keep what you have in good condition. Don’t ignore your body signals.
Rather than seek a medicine for numbness, you should first see a physician, such as a Neurologist to diagnose why you are having numbness. Numbness can be the result of a pinched nerve(s) or secondary to a disease such as diabetes. 
Numbness and pain are opposite ends of the same spectrum of sensation. Most often, positional numbness is due to nerve compression. Seen more often in thin people, it can occur any Time tissue over a nerve is compressed. Your PMR doc can assist with padding the appropriate areas and other ergonomic positioning.
This can be multiple things - compression of a nerve in your extremities or in your spine would need to examine you and treatment would consist of a platelet (PRP) treatment that can typically help with that.
To whom it may concern,

It seems like that you have nerve damage which causes tingling and numbness on your feet. There are some tests doctor can order to find out what causes your nerve damage. Please see physician for diagnosis of your problem.

Yours sincerely,
Dr. Li