Preventative Medicine Specialist Questions Chicken Pox

Is there anyway to prevent chicken pox?

My son is 5 years old and has chickenpox, even though he was vaccinated. I have a small baby at home who was also vaccinated, but I am afraid he will get it too. Is there any medicine that can prevent him from getting it as well?

4 Answers

Children who have been vaccinated usually do not get chickenpox and if they do, it is usually a very mild case with only a few lesions. Your baby is not likely to get chickenpox and if so it would be a mild case. There is a prescription medicine called Acyclovir that can be given for a week to prevent the baby from breaking out, but it is not recommended since the chances are low your baby will get sick.

Unfortunately, there is no medication to prevent chicken pox. Hopefully, your younger child won’t get it, as he got the vaccine. Usually, the vaccine works better on younger children.

Hariram Ganesh
If your baby has been vaccinated with at least 1 dose of the vaccine then he only has a 5 % chance of getting chicken pox. There is medication that can be used to prevent getting it (zovirax) but generally would not be used in a healthy vaccinated child.
If he gets it you can give an antiviral zovirax to decrease length of time he has it