Dentist Questions Teeth Whitening

Are at-home teeth whitening kits reliable?

I want to whiten my teeth, but I don't have much time to go to the dentist to have it done. I know that there are at-home teeth whitening kits. But, are they reliable methods?

4 Answers

At-home kits can work, but they take longer. If you have dentist supervised whitening, we can prescribe up to 35% bleach solutions. Home kits are usually 10%. Higher percentages require supervision, but you do see more dramatic results.

I am not sure what you mean by reliable, they do work under certain circumstances. I must start with a caution that if you have gum disease, cavities, or a myriad of other issues you will need to get them treated or risk pain and damage to your teeth with whitening. When you compare whitening treatments the take-home vs. in office then you will spend more time, and more likely more money, with at-home whitening over the long run. For instance, we had a patient who got 7 shades whiter in an hour. Her treatment included custom take-home whitening trays and desensitizing gel so she can whiten at home just by purchasing whitening gel. Plus, she did not do any damage to her teeth because they were examined and treated prior to whitening.

Take-home whitening will take you about 1-3 months depending on what shade you start at, what staining foods you eat between whitening applications, why your teeth are discolored (some cannot be whitened) and how regularly you whiten. Whitening your teeth are not as easy as bleaching your clothes. You should have your teeth examined to see if you are a good whitening candidate and make sure there is nothing wrong before starting any whitening. Your dentist has take-home whitening that is stronger than you can purchase over-the-counter if your teeth can take it. The whitening products you purchase in the store are assuming your teeth are healthy, you see your dentist regularly, and you have been told you can whiten so you will have to go to the dentist regularly.

Have a great day,

Jim Kline
Yes, I recommend Opalescense on the Go by Ultradent Products. We charge $70-$80 for the take-home kit. Works great!
Always better to visit your dentist and have your gums and teeth checked at. Not every person is a good candidate for whitening. It can inflame gums and cause lot of sensitivity on teeth. Best to visit your dentist and then see if home whitening is better or in office whitening. Most offices have easy to do 2 hour whitening sessions, where it’s done in a professional supervised way. If that doesn’t work for you, they can take measurements of your teeth and make you custom made bleaching trays and give you professional gel to do home whitening.
Hope this helps

Dr. Harika