“Are muscle spasms a symptom of Alzheimer's?”
My older brother who's 73 was diagnosed with Alzheimer's and I noticed that his arm twitches. Could this be from the Alzheimer's?
2 Answers
This is likely not related to Alzheimer. This question is difficult to answer online since the "twitches" could be many things, and the key to diagnosis is to see the twitches ourselves, or filmed on smart phone. We can determine the "type of movement" by direct observation: myoclonia, myokimia, cramp, fasciculation, tremor, etc. then we can isolate the cause. The best advice I could give is to make sure your brother consents, and to film the twitches with a phone camera, and to show this to the next visit to family doctor. Could be as simple as some vitamins (calcium, magnesium) supplements required, but the key is seeing those movements. Most family physicians are familiar to identify those, no Neurology necessary at this step; I hope it helps,
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