“Are there natural forms of birth control?”
I'd rather not take birth control pills because of their side effects. Are there natural forms of birth control that I can use instead?
4 Answers
Yes. Have you read the book called, “The Billings Method”? We found it to be correct, safe, and effective.
Sure there are. One may use the calendar approach where you follow your cycles closely and determine when you are likely to ovulate and abstain from sexual activity, the withdrawal method is another natural approach. It is important to know these methods, much good as they are, have a higher failure rate than others.
Yes, there is rhythm method and male condoms which are not as effective as hormone contraceptive pills. Other one of course is abstinence. Please discuss with your OBGyn to get a prescription for lowest dose of birth control and they have minimal side effects if any. This will help you plan your pregnancy when you are ready for it.
Take care! Stay healthy!
Take care! Stay healthy!