Dentist Questions Wisdom Tooth Extraction

Are there any side effects of removing wisdom teeth?

I'm 20 years old, and I need to have my wisdom teeth extracted soon. My appointment is in 2 weeks. Are there any side effects of removing wisdom teeth?

4 Answers

As a general rule, no.
Usually, there are not if it is a simple extraction. If it ends up being a surgical extraction then it could possibly take longer to heal. With any kind of extraction you always run the risk of getting a dry socket.... where the bone is exposed to the air and it can ache. This isn’t a usual occurrence but can happen on its own, but mostly from a sucking action pulling the blood
clot out of the socket to expose the bone, for example sucking through a straw or smoking. There is a treatment for this that uses a packing material and it instantly helps remove the discomfort. This should be done only by a dentist.

Sometimes you have blood seepage from the extraction site and should sleep with an old pillowcase. It could be somewhat tender for 24 hours, do you should probably not so anything too strenuous for at least 24-48 hours.

Anyway, typically extractions are pretty simple and go really well.
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Yes, there can be side effects and your dental office should go over these with you when you sign your consent form prior to getting the procedure done.

Owen M. Waldman, DMD
Your dentist must tell you all the pros and cons before the surgery.