“Are X-rays harmful for the eyes?”
My son is 4 years old and had to undergo a series of X-rays for his lung infections. I am worried if the constant exposure to these rays could have done his eyes any harm. How can we confirm if everything is alright or not?
2 Answers
There is no certainty of an x-ray causing damage to the eyes but to be safe take the child to an ophthalmologist to check the eyes. The ophthalmologist will give a thorough examination and assurance. Thank you.
Since your son is having lung infections, a routine X-ray should not even come in contact with the eyes. If he is undergoing CT or MRI scans, he should be fine, but just tell him to close his eyes. He may want to do that anyway. You should discuss your concerns with the radiologist doing the tests. You may also want to ask an ophthalmologist.
RB Thomas, MD
RB Thomas, MD