Anesthesiologist Questions Endoscopy

Are you put to sleep for an endoscopy?

My doctor wants me to have an endoscopy because I've been experiencing acid reflux so frequently. Will I be put to sleep?

4 Answers

All of our patients receive a general anesthetic with Propofol.
You will most likely be given a propofol infusion for sedation. You will not recall events with propofol. It’s rare for a patient to have complete general anesthesia for an upper endoscopy.
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It depends on your endoscopist some do procedures giving their own sedation while others have anesthesiologists taking care of sedation but you will get some medicine while you are having a procedure.
If you are lucky enough to have an anesthesiologist care for you, you will receive deep sedation (like taking a nice quiet nap at home) for your endoscopy and should awaken soon afterward with no adverse effects.