“At what age do wisdom teeth start coming in?”
My son is 17 years old and he's complaining of jaw pain in the back of his mouth, where his wisdom teeth should be. Is it normal for his wisdom teeth to come in this early?
11 Answers
Yes, it is normal for 3rd molars to begin erupting about 17 years of age. Your son needs a thorough oral evaluation by your dentist as soon as possible. It is advisable to have yearly oral evaluations so that the position of the 3rd molars can be monitored and removal, if advised, planned for appropriately..
It is possible. See a dentist immediately to obtain X-rays. Your son’s comfort is too important to delay further.
Wisdom teeth can start erupting at High School age and continue through the college years. So yes, this is perfectly consistent with the expected eruption pattern. I would strongly recommend that he be seen by his dentist because it may or may not be erupting normally and that should be determined now that he has some symptoms.
Normal age for wisdom teeth to erupt us 16-24. I would highly recommend getting to your dentist or Oral surgeon to evaluate wisdom teeth. When wisdom teeth erupt, essentially your son is “teething” again. It can be very painful. Further, there is usually not enough room for most people so it also puts a lot of pressure on other teeth to try to make room for the new erupting teeth. It can cause a lot of complications if the wisdom teeth are not evaluated. This is the perfect time to remove them if they are there.
While 17 might be a little early for wisdom teeth to erupt, it is certainly within the normal range.
It is most likely his wisdom teeth. The average age of eruption of those teeth is 21, but I've seen kids get them at 15. You should bring him to a dentist for an X-ray.

Peter Nelson
Phoenix, Arizona
Yes. 3rd molars (wisdom teeth) often need to be removed by age 17 or even sooner. Evaluation by an oral surgeon is a good idea. Your son's teeth may be in process of erupting in normal position, but, in my experience, most people do not have enough room for their 3rd molars and would benefit from removal. Age 17 is a good age for evaluation, and it's a good age for removal because his recovery will be much easier than it would be in a 5 or 10 years from now.
Yes, it's very common at this age. You will need to have an appointment for a panoramic X-ray to determine if the wisdom teeth need to come out now or if they will erupt into his mouth fine many people have room in their jaw line for them. He may just be having teething pain as a 17-month-old from their eruption into his mouth.