Chiropractor Questions Back Pain

Is there a way to treat back pain arising due to long sitting hours?

I am a 45-year-old man and I work for a tech company. Recently, I have developed severe back pain due to sitting for long hours. I am unable to straighten my back after getting up from the seat due to the pain and tension in the back. Is there a way to treat this pain?

20 Answers

Your job and you age may add to the problem that started long ago with a forgotten injury, that over time becomes stiffness/pressure/pain on the spine. Chiropractic has been a successful option for treating low back pain since 1895. Doctors of Chiropractic are the second largest health care providers in the western world (It's not new or experimental). By seeing a chiropractor they can perform a series of orthopedic-neuological test to identify the true cause of the problem. If the problem is a musculoskeletal problem a Chiropractor and correct the problem easily based on the reliable information from an exam. From the sounds of it your inability to straighten, can be a chiropractic problem. A Doctor of Chiropractic can also identify the postural changes, sitting ergonomics and in-turn give you postural suggestions and exercises to correct you spine for a lot longer.
Yes, postural exercise and chiropractic care
Sitting is the new smoking- it is causing serious health issues- back pain is one of them! Getting up frequently is necessary (set a timer), foam roller has been shown to help (but with pain you are past this option), rest is necessary to heal and getting your spine checked to see if the spinal bones are aligned- if not- adjustments help retrain the body from unhealthy lifestyle choices like sitting too much.
Proper set up of your work area and breaks to move will help. It also requires you to drink water and use essential fatty acids and good magnesium (glycinate form). Core strength is critical.
I recommend to all of my patients to start a yoga program to help with flexibility and strength. You need to stretch your lower back 3 times per day. I would also strongly suggest you start seeing a chiropractor. They will evaluate you and see if there is something else going on and treat it accordingly.
The type of pain you are describing is very common and usually mechanical in origin. That means it is most likely caused by dysfunction of the lumbosacral or sacroiliac joints. The longer you sit, the more difficult it is to straighten up. Manipulation of the spine is very effective at reducing the pain and improving the muscular tension. Make an appointment to see a good Chiropractic Physician.
Yes, but the nature of the pain needs to be assessed, call my office 636 946 2244.
If you haven't tried chiropractic, try that first :) Structure and function have everything to do with each other, and if you had some concussion of force many years ago (even 30 years ago, a fender bender of which you had a minor whiplash that was not addressed back then could be the effects you are feeling now). That being said, if you have received chiropractic treatments and you are still having this pain, then get a sitting/ standing desk for your office use. This will enable you to keep doing your work, but you will also be able to get up and sit down based upon how your spine and neck are feeling.
We forget that we, like other mammals were meant to be moving, and not sitting by a computer for 10 hours or more a day. One more thing...HIT THE GYM! Exercise. Do not become that white collar corporate desk jockey!!!! Sitting all day long will create a curved upper back associated with pain, if you sit in that position all day long for extended years. Exercise that body, get a sitting/ standing desk, and seek out chiropractic adjustments. All this together will make sitting for long hours much more tolerable.
Chiropractic care is a great first line of defense against a job that requires prolonged sitting or standing.

Also, implementing a 10 minute full body stretching routine that you do every single day would be a great adjunct to chiropractic care. You can search Google or YouTube and find several different routines with varying degrees of difficulty.

Great question!

Yes there is. Chiropractic is a great option.

Dr Quentin Smith
There are several causes of low back pain and a chiropractic exam could determine what the best treatment course would be. Until you can get help, it might be advisable for you to work at a standing desk. Since you did not mention any leg pain, it is not likely that you have a herniated disk, although that would have to be ruled out. I would like to know if you are eventually able to stand up straight or does this prevent you from straightening at all. You might get some relief by lying on the floor with your feet in the seat of a chair or couch keeping the hips and knees bent at 90 degrees and just relaxing. While there are things that might decrease the pain, it is important to find out exactly what is going on and that would take having a thorough examination.
Before any treatment can be prescribed or suggested, the cause has to be identified. The best way to start is to get a correct diagnosis as to why the sitting aggravates your back. Seeking out a health care professional, such as a Chiropractor to start, would help to find out what might be happening.

Do you have a picture of your work environment to share?

Dr. David Tucker, DC-Chiropractor & Wellness Consultant
Yes. It is pretty common for someone who's spending long hours sitting especially when he/she is tired. You can try chiropractic and/or acupuncture as well as good rest. Light movement in most cases helps.
Yes. Change your work station ergonomically speaking. Sit on bouncing ball for core and cushion. Use a small stool to rest your feet on, use a TENS unit, get adjusted, get up to stretch and walk more rather than sitting for long periods of time, use a chair back support and begin lower spine core exercises. There is several things you can do to help my friend.
Absolutely! While I recommend chiropractors who practice a technique called Applied Kinesiology for most problems, even an old school “rack and crack” Chiro could probably help you with this one. You can also help yourself by getting up every half an hour from your desk and drinking 4 ounces of water consistently! Set your phone alarm and really commit to it. Good luck!
Yes. I would see a chiropractor or call 770-545-8888 for a free consultation
I would encourage you to make an appointment with a chiropractor. For now I would use ice on your lower back 20 minutes on and then 20 minutes off. The type of pain that you are experiencing is something I see everyday and have helped many people with such issues. Good luck and please respond if I can help in any other way.
I would recommend checking in with a chiropractor for a history and examination of your lower back. Getting on a short duration treatment plan will help get you on the right track & then ask your chiropractor to provide you with home care exercises and stretching to strengthen and stretch your lower back to prevent relapses of lower back pain from occurring.
Sitting is the new smoking. Taking frequent breaks, i.e. 10 min stand-up break to stretch, out of every hour is recommended. Your Iliopsoas is likely the culprit causing your back pain. It shortens with prolonged sitting. A massage session, followed by a chiropractic evaluation and treatment will get you over the hump. You may need a stand up desk when you're all fixed up. Try yoga 3x a week and walking during your lunch break.