“What is the best way to clean your feet when you have diabetes?”
Because I have diabetes, is there a certain way I should be cleaning my feet?
16 Answers
Many diabetic patients will develop eczema or hyperkeratosis. The best thing to find out if the dry skin caused by fungal infection which can be treated by medications. To clean the diabetic foot, in general, you can use domboro soaking or Vick’s rub. You can soak your feet with epson salt and drops of white vinegar and use cocoa butter cream after that.
Using mild soap and warm water in the shower, including between the toes, and dry thoroughly, especially between the toes to help prevent moisture build-up in fungal infection.
Jonathan M. Kletz, DPM
Jonathan M. Kletz, DPM
Clean your feet with a mild soap and water as usual, then dry well including between the toes. You should lubricate the skin on top of your feet and ankles and lower legs with a hydrating cream and keep dry between the toes. Check with your doctor for further care as that would depend on your specific medical condition, as dryness, peeling, and scaling may be the result of a fungal or yeast condition or from non-functioning sweat ducts and require different protocol.
Regular soap and water. Moisturize except between the toes. Don't walk bare foot or in socks alone.
Dr. Lui
Regular soap and water. Moisturize except between the toes. Don't walk bare foot or in socks alone.
Dr. Lui
Appropriate hygienic care of the feet is particularly important in those individuals who suffer from diabetes. Cleansing with warm water and antibacterial soap on daily basis is important. It is critical to dry the feet well after bathing particularly between the toes. Replacement of skin moisture is also important with appropriate lotions or creams as diabetes can have impact on the normal regulation of skin moisture resulting from autonomic neuropathy. Refrain from daily water soaks as this can be extremely drying to the skin. Monitor for any cracks or fissures that can result in skin breakdown and potential site of infection. If concerned about skin presentation of the lower extremities, please consult a medical
specialist such as a primary physician, dermatologist, or podiatrist.
specialist such as a primary physician, dermatologist, or podiatrist.
It is very important to wash feet as you would normally do, with soap and water. The most important part to remember is to dry very well between the toes, which tends to be one of the most common areas where people develop maceration and infections.
You should use gentle soap and water to clean your feet daily. You should NOT soak your feet for long periods of time in Epsom salts, as this actually dries out your skin. You should check between your toes daily to insure that there is not maceration or athletes foot/wounds between your toes. You should use a hydrating lotion on your feet daily before bed and/or after you shower. Keeping the skin healthy is very important for preventing ulcers and infections, which, in turn, will help to prevent amputations.
Just clean and dry well with a mild moisturizing soap. Take the time to dry well between the toes and visually inspect for any cracks redness or openings in the feet. Do not self treat corns callouses or ingrown nails. Be sure to see your podiatrist and eye doctor on a regular basis.
Inspect your feet daily. Check for cuts, blisters, redness, swelling or nail problems. Use a magnifying hand mirror to look at the bottom of your feet. Call your doctor if you notice anything. Bathe the feet in lukewarm, never hot, water. Keep your feet clean by washing them daily. Use only lukewarm water—the temperature you would use on a newborn baby. Be gentle when bathing your feet. Wash them using a soft washcloth or sponge. Dry by blotting or patting and carefully dry between the toes. Moisturize your feet, but not between your toes. Use a moisturizer daily to keep dry skin from itching or cracking. But don't moisturize between the toes—that could encourage a fungal infection.
No different than non diabetics. Soap and water. I suggest avoid ivory as it drys the feet too much. Remember after washing and getting between the toes it is very important to DRY WELL. Sounds simple, but is very important.
At least once a week clean your feet in someone else’s tub so they may be able to inspect the bottoms of your feet and in between your toes. Clean them with a mild soap and moisturize the skin when done.
If this is not possible make sure someone purchases a mirror and a long handle which will allow you to see the bottoms of your feet. You are checking for cracks or fishers and sores.
Don’t think that getting a pedicure every now and then is the answer. Utensils are not always sterile and the untrained can cause Asians that don’t heal. It’s important to have your nails cut by a professional and very professional I mean nurse or podiatrist
If this is not possible make sure someone purchases a mirror and a long handle which will allow you to see the bottoms of your feet. You are checking for cracks or fishers and sores.
Don’t think that getting a pedicure every now and then is the answer. Utensils are not always sterile and the untrained can cause Asians that don’t heal. It’s important to have your nails cut by a professional and very professional I mean nurse or podiatrist
There is no specific way to clean your feet. You just want to do a daily exam to make sure of no cuts or sores.
Regular bathing and showering and make sure to clean and dry between the toes. More importantly look over your feet after bathing, and if you see anything unusual or concerning, go see your doctor about it.
It is very important to inspect your feet daily. Keep them dry, especially between the toes and do not walk barefoot. Using your normal bathing routine of soap and water and drying your feet, especially between the toes is the best way to clean your feet, assuming you do not have any openings on your feet. I recommend you be evaluated by a foot and ankle specialist (podiatrist) on a regular basis.
There are good & bad ways to clean your feet. Check with the American Diabetes Association (a local office or national) AS they have a lot of articles on foot care. In general terms, inspect your feet every day for any abnormalities. If you can't see the soles us a mirror on a stick (the sticks used for "selfies" with a phone camera works well. You can even use the camera & take a picture of the soles of your feet & be able to study the pictures to look for any problems. To clean the feet use warm, not hot water, and wash with a mild soap and water. Clean well but don't scrub hard. You can also soak the feet in warm water but not too long as they will get dehydrated & "pucker". If there are dead skin accumulations on the feet an emery board & mild use will remove. Don't be too vigorous & damage good skin. Other chemicals suck as Epson Salt soaks are not needed. Plain warm water with a mild face soap will do well. Just inspect often & keep clean & soft & report any discomfort or lesions to your Dr or Podiatrist right away. Enjoy the soaks