“Is there any medication that can bring down cholesterol levels?”
I have been experiencing issues with high cholesterol, despite of me being more in control of my diet and exercise regimen. Is there any medications that I should be using to help bring down my cholesterol?
1 Answer
Yes, there are a number of different medications that can lower your cholesterol. But just because your number is high doesn’t mean it needs to come down with medication. Go to the American Heart Association calculator for heart disease risk at http://tools.acc.org/ASCVD-Risk-Estimator-Plus/ and plug in your numbers. Is your risk high? Is it greater than 10%? The higher the risk, the more benefit you may achieve from a cholesterol-lowering medication. Talk to your doctor. If you aren’t at a high risk, know that healthy eating and sustained moderate levels of exercise on most days of the week are extremely valuable for long-term health. Keep it up!