“I have a bulge just above my backend on my lower back. What is it?”
There's a huge bump located over my backend, mainly on my lower back. It hurts a lot. What should I do about it?
8 Answers
You need to consult a spinal surgeon about the next step. Many times the lump itself may not be the source of the pain and it could be problems with your actual spine but you need to be examined by an experienced Dr.
See your family doctor or general surgeon. More than Likely it’s a cyst or lipoma. Usually nothing serious but get it ckd out.
It's hard to determine what it may be without a physical examination of the lump, bulge, or mass near your spine. Most synovial cyst develop in the lumbar spine (lower back). These cyst can sometimes cause nerve pain depending on the size and location.
If you are having pain or discomfort, or even need a peace of mind with a diagnosis, you should schedule an appointment with a spine specialist, like me.
Best wishes,
Kendall Carll, MD
If you are having pain or discomfort, or even need a peace of mind with a diagnosis, you should schedule an appointment with a spine specialist, like me.
Best wishes,
Kendall Carll, MD
In worst case scenarios, this is cancer, especially if it’s through the last 2 to 4 months and Hertz. Go see a surgeon for family practitioner.

Nabil A Ebraheim
Some herniations may cause a bulging appearance. An MRI or CT should be ordered by a physician in order to make a diagnosis. If there is any visible swelling, you should see a physician for treatment and diagnosis.