OB-GYN (Obstetrician-Gynecologist) Questions Women's health

Can I drink coffee during pregnancy?

I am a 31-year-old pregnant woman and I drink one cup of coffee a day. Can I drink coffee during pregnancy?

7 Answers

Yes you can if coffee has not given you any problems when not pregnat.
Coffee in moderation- whatever that means- is not associated with any adverse fetal outcome. Enjoy your caffeine!
Yes, 1 cup a day of coffee is fine during pregnancy. You will definitely feel more heart palpitations during pregnancy even with 1 cup, switch to decaf if needed.
There are no studies which show fetal growth restriction with one cup.
Good luck !
Happy pregnancy!!
Yes, up to 2 cups of coffee is safe during pregnancy. But you cannot have any more caffeine than that. Babies can go through withdrawal from caffeine at birth.

Doug Young, MD
Should not drink more than 2 cups a day, but definitely not decaffeinated coffee.
I usually allow my patients one cup a day.