Registered Dietitian Questions Dieting

Can I get a six pack through diet alone?

I'm 25 years old and I want a six pack. Can I get a six pack through diet alone?

6 Answers

Yes and No. Any weight-loss program is primarily based on nutrition, not necessarily a "diet." A "diet" is something you do temporarily, whereas nutrition, especially with the goal of weight-loss, is a lifestyle commitment and change. I highly recommend a plant-based nutrition plan. Exercise is just a good way to burn excessive calorie consumption. For effective, lasting weight loss you need 3 elements: Nutrition, Exercise, and Sleep.
Unlikely. You'll need some core exercises.
Technically yes but very very difficult. Diet is at least 70% of weight loss, but hormones, supplements, genetics and proper exercise all play a role.
The simple answer is no. You need to develop your rectus abdominus and other muscles to get that sequential bulge that you’re looking for. However, if your diet is bad, fat will cover up muscles. You need to follow a healthy eating plan to get to your optimal weight plus core strengthening. Good luck. You can get there but it takes diligence!!
Nope. A diet will uncover the muscles that make up the “six pack” under the fat. But, will need abdominal muscle development.