Ophthalmologist Questions Ophthalmologist

Can I go to work with an eye infection?

I am a 38 year old male and I have an eye infection. Can I go to work with an eye infection?

6 Answers

Some eye infections can be highly contagious. A complete ophthalmologic exam should be performed.
If you are working from home, okay, but best not to run the risk of infecting your coworkers if you suspect a viral infection.
Some are contagious and some are not. Some require treatment and some do not. See an ophthalmologist.
Depends upon the type of infection. Some are contagious such as ordinary viral pink eye. It could also be a sign of coronavirus which everybody is hyper-nervous about. It could be bacterial which is most likely not infectious, but can be painful, vision-threatening, and one you would rather stay home about. Overall, it is best to stay home until the condition is getting better.  
Best practice, stay off work