Pediatrician Questions Pediatrician

Can a child with staph infection go to daycare?

My child has a staph infection. Can a child with a staph infection go to daycare?

3 Answers

Hi, Staph infection is skin infection that’s contagious so I would not recommend your child going to daycare until it’s treated with appropriate antibiotics.
Staph aureus that is on a covered body surface area allows the child to go to daycare. However, if it is MRSA, methicillin resistant staph infection, that is very contagious and should prevent the child from going to school.

Thanks for the question. I guess my answer would be - it depends on what kind of a staph infection your child has. If it is an infection that causes a fever, then I would recommend keeping your child home until the fever goes away for 24 hours without the need for fever reducers. If it doesn't involve a fever, but involves the use of antibiotics, you can probably be able to send your child to daycare after at least a day or 2 of completed antibiotics. Please always check back with your pediatrician and complete the prescription as ordered.
Thank you.