Chiropractor Questions Chiropractor

Can a chiropractor straighten your spine?

I am a 25 year old female. I want to know if a chiropractor can straighten your spine?

11 Answers

Depending on why your spine is not straight, most of the time yes.
If you’re referring to scoliosis, there are some chiropractors that specialize in helping to straighten those curves in your spine. Overall, chiropractic works towards aligning your entire spine which helps protect your nervous system.
No, chiropractic adjustment improves the mobility of your spinal joints, but not trully "Straighten" it. Together with exercises and adjustment you can get a better spinal conditioning.
It depends. There are a hundred different techniques in Chiropractic. Some are good for straightening the spine. So your answer is yes, but you have to find the right Chiropractor for your goals. My approach is full range of motion, decrease pain, and overall health. I'm not concerned about straightness, as that is more of rehabilitation and physical therapy exercises.
Yes, Chiropractic can help you straighten,( remove the misalignments or Subluxations in ) your spine.
This all depends on how the spine is shaped. With proper treatment and exercise curves in the spine can be reduced. You would have to make an appointment with a chiropractor to evaluate the spine.
A chiropractor should suggest a trial treatment program and exercise. And then see if you are eligible for treatment
The idea in chiropractic is to straighten your spine in the AP view (front to back) and restore curves in the side view. In Chiropractic Biophysics (a Chiropractic technique, we use mirror-image adjusting to accomplish this along with extension cervical traction. Each spine is different and some can be straightened more than others.
Chiropractic is a licensed doctor who does diagnosis and either preforms and/or recommends treatment. The question is what is causing the problem with the spine and that requires diagnosis. Diagnosis can't be done without an examination. If the cause is postural then Chiropractic care with it's many therapeutic treatments including exercises is the treatment of choice. However, if the problem has a structural component the treatments will still help, but may not totally eliminate the underlying cause. Don't wait to have the examination as the younger the patient is when the problems is detected and treated the better.
Chiropractors restore function and alignment to the spine. If you have severe scoliosis, bracing may be necessary.