Orthopaedic Surgeon Questions Orthopaedic Surgeon

Can a dislocated ankle fix itself?

I am a 21 year old female and I dislocated my ankle. Can a dislocated ankle fix itself?

19 Answers

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A dislocated ankle means you tore a lot of ligaments and best to have it looked at. Some of those ligaments do not heal well and can lead to chronic pain or problems. If there is any broken bones then no this will not heal on its own and highly recommend seeking treatment from a podiatrist trained in trauma. I treat a lot of dislocated ankles and they need to be treated with surgery or casting.
If it autoreduces, yes. If it dislocates and stays that way, you'll be in trouble.
Yes, if immobilized properly and reduced well.
See a specialist.
Often time with dislocation of the ankle comes possible soft tissue damage. Even if you feel your pain subside there is a possibility you could face arthritic changes to the ankle joint over time. I would suggest seeing a Podiatric surgeon to be examined and evaluated.
Not after a few hours. If it’s truly dislocated then you need a quick response before blood flow is affected.
No. Usually a dislocated ankle also means cartilage damage which can lead to arthritis in the near future and fractures that accompany the dislocation. You need to ensure the ankle is properly reduced and any associated injuries have been fixed
There are several degrees of dislocations of any joint. The ankle joint is considered a major joint because each step taken requires stability w/o pain. The best therapy is to see a professional for limited immobilization.
The question is tricky because if you are asking if a dislocation can reduce and go back into position prior to dislocation, then anything is possible. The problem is, even if a dislocation reduces itself (which does not happen too often), there is a period of time that is needed to allow the ligaments and surrounding structures to heal itself, and you really need medical attention for diagnostic testing to see no ligaments or tendons are torn as a result of the dislocation.
How was it diagnosed? If caught early, it can be reduced and casted.
It really depends on the level of dislocation. Usually not without medical help. I would recommend seeing a foot and ankle specialist for acute care and possible MRI to rule out significant soft tissue damage.
Not usually
Dislocated ankles will not fix themselves. I recommend you be evaluated by a foot and ankle surgeon (podiatrist) as soon as possible for appropriate treatment
I don't think you understand what it means to dislocate a joint. If the joint came out of the socket (dislocation), it is possible that the joint could relocate, but not likely.
It would be best to consult your doctor as joint disclocations need to be treated appropriately to heal well