“Can a tooth with a crown hurt?”
I am a 35 year old male and I will get a crown. Can a tooth with a crown hurt?
12 Answers
It’s take time to get used to it. If the tooth is alive with the crown on it could mean root canal needed. If a root canal was done and there is pain it could mean something worse
Usually, the crowns are not causing any problems and last a long time. There are many factors that could affect the future of the tooth covered with a crown. Normally, the crown is placed after the tooth had a root canal treatment. In that case, if the root canal was done successfully, the tooth should be okay. If the root canal was not done properly, you could get pain in the tooth after crown was placed. If the crown was placed on a tooth without a root canal treatment, then there is about 20% chance that the tooth will become sensitive or painful in the future and then the tooth will require a root canal treatment at that point.
Usually, the crowns are not causing any problems and last a long time. There are many factors that could affect the future of the tooth covered with a crown. Normally, the crown is placed after the tooth had a root canal treatment. In that case, if the root canal was done successfully, the tooth should be okay. If the root canal was not done properly, you could get pain in the tooth after crown was placed. If the crown was placed on a tooth without a root canal treatment, then there is about 20% chance that the tooth will become sensitive or painful in the future and then the tooth will require a root canal treatment at that point.
Yes there are multiple reasons for that:
- the bite is high and pressure From chewing force can be cause the discomfort. This issue can be resolved by adjusting the bite ( occlusion)
- if the preparation of the tooth underneath the crown is close to the pulp, might indicate that the tooth need root canal treatment.
- the irritation can be also caused by food impaction in the gums.
- Abscess ( through the tooth, endo, or the gums, perio)
- the bite is high and pressure From chewing force can be cause the discomfort. This issue can be resolved by adjusting the bite ( occlusion)
- if the preparation of the tooth underneath the crown is close to the pulp, might indicate that the tooth need root canal treatment.
- the irritation can be also caused by food impaction in the gums.
- Abscess ( through the tooth, endo, or the gums, perio)
Crowns are like fillings. In general, they do not hurt unless there is something in the tooth itself that can be uncomfortable, for instance sometimes the nerve inside the tooth can be inflamed and can act up sometimes, even after the crown is placed. IF that is the case, then consult with your dentist as to what to do.
Hope this information is helpful.
Hope this information is helpful.
Great Question:
If any thing hurts during a crown procedure, something is wrong. A couple of reasons, one might be you're not numb enough.
Dr. Collier, DDS
If any thing hurts during a crown procedure, something is wrong. A couple of reasons, one might be you're not numb enough.
Dr. Collier, DDS
Yes, if you develop a root caries below the crown, any form of root fracture, periodontal abscess or an abscess at the tip of the root from an old root canal treatment that gets infected. Also, if your occlusion changes (your bite) and you end up putting too much pressure on the tooth, that can cause pain.
Hi, hope all is well. slight sensitivity at after crown delivery is normal sometimes. If your tooth still hurts or there are lingering pain then further nerve vitality test needed to dognosis the reason and for possible treatmetn if needed.
A crowned tooth should not hurt. Teeth are crowned often due to caries or a fracture. The nerve and blood supply within the tooth may be damaged causing pain. If this occurs usually a "root canal" is performed which removes the infected tissue and eliminates pain. Not all crowned teeth require root canal therapy. Often teeth may be crowned without it and remain pain free.