Acupuncturist Questions Acupuncture

Can acupuncture treat migraines?

I am 22 years old, and I've been dealing with migraines for a year already. I heard from my friend that acupuncture can help. Is that true?

30 Answers

Yes. Acupuncture, along with herbs, and sometimes massage, is a very effective treatment for migraines.
Yes, I encourage you to book a session with your practitioner of choice to get help with relief.
Yes, it is true.
Yes - very true and to the point. One only need find a great qualified Acupuncture and Eastern Medicine provider with at least 3000 hrs of training to make sure done safely and correctly. Truly the Best of both Worlds in healthcare. When combined with Imitrex PRN amazing results.
Yes very effective
I have had excellent success treating patients to give them relief from their migraines with acupuncture! Find an acupuncturist near you and have them contact me if they would like additional information about my treatment protocols.
It is true that acupuncture can help with migraines. I would like to recommend to consult an acupuncturist in your area to discuss your condition. It is very common that we prescribe herbal supplements in combination with the acupuncture to optimize the therapy.

Alexandre Hillairet, DAOM.
Yes, 10 treatments 2 per week for 5 weeks. 95% of patients are migraine-free after that.
Thank you for your question.

If you have been accurately diagnosed with migraines, yes. It’s important to make sure you have an accurate diagnoses in order to have an appropriate treatment plan.

Kind regards,

Acupuncture is very effective in treating migraines. Expect to go one or two times a week at first, tapering off to once every few months.

James A. Beshires, BSN, RN, MSOM, Dipl.OM, LAc

Yes very

Yes, acupuncture helps with your migraine. We treat the root cause of the problem, usually related to internal organ functions.  


Scott Sang In Lee
Yes, it’s true! Once you have been seen in person and assessed, the acupuncturist can weigh in on what they believe the pattern may be and how acupuncture can help you specifically.
It is. There are many reasons why you may be suffering from migraines (muscle tension, low blood sugar, lack of sleep, etc.) and acupuncture can work with all of these.
Yes that is true
Yes, that's true.
Yes definitely!
Acupuncture has been proven effectively to treat migraines.
Yes, migraine can be treated with acupuncture. From my medical experience, there is a good success rate.
Yes, acupuncture can certainly help with migraines.
Yes, acupuncture is very good for migraine and other pain conditions. Please contact acupuncture around your area for more information. Thanks
It is true, acupuncture can be very effective in treating migraines. There are a variety of causes for migraines, so the practitioner will need to diagnose the root cause to help. It may take a few treatments or a series or it may be helpful right away, no one really knows which for each individual.

Find a licensed practitioner in your area, so they can start soon. Keep in mind that you don't have to stick with your first choice, if you somehow don't click with your first practitioner there are others to choose. Healing takes time and it's important to have a good relation with your doctor.

Good luck.
Yes, assuming a few things are true, acupuncture can be an excellent treatment choice for migraine. I see a few migraine patients and I'm almost always able to reduce frequency, severity or both.

If your migraines are a relatively new development (and it sounds like, for you, they may be), you really need to rule out a few things first. It's often a good idea to start with your primary care doctor or a neurologist and have a head x-ray/CT/MRI - just to make sure we're not missing something serious as the cause of your headaches. Also, if your migraines have recently ramped up in either severity, frequency or both, you may want to have a head x-ray/CT/MRI, again, just to make sure we're not missing something more serious.

If you have clear head imaging, and especially if you have clear head imaging and pharmaceuticals aren't doing much for you, then acupuncture can probably be of benefit.

For the best results, please make sure you're seeing someone who is licensed as an acupuncturist in your state. You want someone who attended and graduated from a school of Chinese medicine, not someone who is offering the service as a 'bolt-on' after attending a few hours of seminars.