Psychiatrist Questions Psychiatrist

Can anxiety cause manic episodes?

I am a 29 year old male. I want to know if anxiety can cause manic episodes?

3 Answers

No, unless some is bipolar already. Then lack of sleep can trigger an episode.
This is a very good question. If anxiety leads to severe insomnia and the stress that’s causing anxiety and caused by anxiety may in very rare cases contribute towards triggering events for mania vulnerability. But practically there in no causative association. Also a full blown manic episode may have associated anxiety symptoms. Utilize healthy coping skills, mindfulness to try to relax your mind and work towards healthy life style that’s also conducive to your happiness and contentment in life. On another note, Anxiety does commonly coexist with mood disorders.
Only if you have already experienced manic episodes. Anxiety per se does not cause manic episodes.

Tony Stanton, MD