Cardiologist Questions Cardiologist

Can children suffer from congestive heart failure?

My father died from congestive heart failure. I'm worried my children will have it. Can children suffer from congestive heart failure?

2 Answers

In a vast majority of instances congestive heart failure (CHF) is not hereditary. CHF is a syndrome and has a cause. Causes include damage from heart attacks, valvular heart disease, alcohol and certain viral infections. A lot of times we do not know the cause. With that said there are hereditary cardiomyopathies (weakened hearts). These are extremely rare.
Congestive heart failure is not usually hereditary. It is usually caused by coronary artery disease in older adults or a heart attack. Knowing the risk factors for heart problems like smoking, diabetes, obesity, inactivity, high cholesterol etc are the things I would focus on for you and your children. Daily exercise and a heart healthy diet are important.
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