“Can chiropractic care help my baby's fussiness?”
My daughter is a very fussy baby, and gets so irritable easily. Normally, I suck it up and deal with it, but it's making me lose my patience a lot easily. My friend suggested taking her to a chiropractor to help her--how does chiropractic care help babies be less irritable?
15 Answers
Babies can be irritable due to pain or general discomfort. Sometimes, little ones are fussy or irritable from various factors including impaired sucking or incorrect latching, an immature digestive system, food allergens in breast milk, acid reflux, a slow digestive system, ear infections or slight tension in the spine. Numerous studies have shown that chiropractic treatment helps to reduce fussiness which could be the result of mechanical restrictions in your baby’s spine. These restrictions can lead to headaches, muscle spasms, increased nervous irritability, sleeping difficulties and crying. This is often why parents notice such a marked difference after just a few sessions at the chiropractor.
It can be very helpful for that. It’s difficult to know what’s exactly irritating babies but if there’s some stress on their bodies that we aren’t aware of, chiropractic may be able to ease that stress in their bodies.
Irritability, even for an adult, is usually a sign of a person being in SNS (sympathetic) dominant, that is, a flight and fight response. Adjustment stimulates PNS (parasympathetics) allows the person to relax and that might have a tremendous effect on irritability.
If the baby has any distress in its spinal column, it can make anyone fussy. The baby just can’t tell you what’s wrong. So, it's worth checking with a chiropractor.
Spinal misalignments can be painful and cause a baby to be uncomfortable the same way they do for an adult. Only the baby can not communicate this pain to you other than by being fussy. Get your baby adjusted regularly so you can both get some rest. You will be glad that you did. Call to schedule an appointment today! Thanks!
It’s best to take your daughter to a pediatric chiropractor who are specifically trained in pediatrics and the use of gentle chiropractic to help. The way it helps is based on the nerves of the body. If the fussiness is being caused by abnormal nerve signals throughout the body, some chiropractic treatment done with a light touch can help restore proper nerve flow. Nerves control everything in the body from pain to stomach function to bloodflow. Nothing in the body works without the nervous system. If that immature nervous system has any interference, it can symptomatically present as fussiness.
Vishal K. Verma DC CCSP
Vishal K. Verma DC CCSP
It doesn't--and this comes from a chiropractor. There are plenty of people and chiropractors who think they can help but what usually happens is that after 70 visits and 18 months (and lots of money) the child is less fussy. No research shows chiropractic treatment did this--the child just outgrew it. Don't waste your time and money. Good luck!!
Dr. Simone
Dr. Simone
Excellent question. Chiropractic has had some success with infant and baby irritability. The reason is because chiropractors are dealing with the nervous system. The goal is to have a balanced nervous system and babies seem to respond very quickly and easily to our techniques that calm the hyper active nerves and help with irritability. So, definitely give your chiropractor a try. It’s safe and very often a natural remedy for many childhood problems.
YES. Chiropractic care can help with a fussy baby. The fussiness is due to the baby being uncomfortable. It could be a digestive problem, Gerd, reflux, inner ear pressure, functional pain and various other possibilities. But chiropractors are able to help with all of those concerns safely and easily. I do it all the time in my practice. A good chiropractor should be able to evaluate your little one and then explain how they can help depending on what is causing the fussiness. Small children typically respond extremely well to chiropractic care much faster and with less overall treatment than older kids or adults. The youngest infant I have seen in my office has been 8 days old. I actually just saw him again last week at 13yrs old now, but this time from a soccer injury. I treat infants and children all the time and love to do so. Not all chiropractors treat children regularly as some specialize in sports care or geriatric patients and their offices are set up to handle those types of patients, so I would ask the reception when you call if their doctor works with children and infants. Most of us do. You should get a quick idea if that is the right place for you. You can also look at ICPA4KIDS.ORG, which is the international chiropractic pediatric association. They have a listing of certified pediatric chiropractors that you can search for in your area if you are having difficulty locating someone. There are chiropractic practices that treat nothing but infants and children and also can offer specialized care for soon to be and new moms. And don't worry, you and your baby will be thankful you brought her to see a chiropractor.
I wish you the best with your little girl.
Dr. Hanson
I wish you the best with your little girl.
Dr. Hanson
Yes! Indeed, chiropractic care can help “fussy” babies. They have spines and nervous systems just like adults and can benefit from an alignment. When babies are fussy or “colicky”, the bowels are generally the culprit. Because the nervous system controls, literally, every function in our bodies including organs, glands, and muscles, chiropractic adjustments can help with more than just the back and neck.
Hope that helps!
Hope that helps!
Chiropractic can cause resetting the nervous system of the body and as a result of resetting of the nervous system, each individual organs and tissue gets proper input from the brain. I would suggest seeing a chiropractor
I would take her to a pediatric chiropractor who will have all the knowledge and experience to help your baby. Proper spinal alignment can calm down the baby's nervous system and decrease pain. Birth can be a traumatic experience for both mother and child which can cause the spine to be under abnormal tension.
Chiropractic works well with a baby's fussiness and demeanor, depending on the true cause of course. Nerve impingement (pinched nerve) correlate primarily with a musculoskeletal dysfunction which may also be causing a organ dysfunction and/or demeanor changes. Nerves supply the neuromusculoskeletal function in the body also supply nervous system function of the internal organs. One must consider daily diet/nutrition also.