“Can chronic pain lead to depression?”
I have chronic pain in my left hand. I'm 28 and its been like this since I was 25. Could this end up giving me depression?
6 Answers
That is a real possibility, but it does not automatically mean that medication is to treatment of choice. Situational stress and depression may be better treated with cognitive-behavioral or psychotherapy.
Yes, both on a physiological and psychological basis; opioids are also depressants. That doesn’t mean medications are required. You need to see a psychiatrist, MD who can assess your case and offer you appropriate options of treatment. It’s likely that will involve some type of psychotherapy such as cognitive behavioral, meditation, etc., and maybe medications for insomnia/anxiety/depression (at least initially it may help you engage in psychological/physical therapy and social activities etc to optimize outcome). They can review your pain management and may make additional consultations and coordinate care. Chronic conditions require team approach and with minimal delay as chronic issues change the brain and are more resistant to treatment over time. While 3 years is delayed, it’s not as bad as 5 or 10 or 15. Get a referral after doing some research, see if you can find some one who subspecializes/has more experience with similar things. Maybe your pain specialist works with someone, are there any cross trained/certified IM Psychiatrists in your area? This not an uncommon problem. There is hope, but you must seek help.
Good luck,
Dr Lewis
Good luck,
Dr Lewis
Yes it can! Try seeing a counselor even at a church or temple you may go to, or see a therapist. Also try to be outside and deal with pain a bit and eat healthy and change your habits. That takes time and most people want a quick fix, Then I say, see a therapist.
Dear Asker,
I am not your doctor and the following is not medical advice. Chronic pain conditions are associated with increased risk for depression. Since both conditions have a nervous system basis, they can affect each other. Some people experience worse pain when feeling more depressed, and likewise some people experience pain more intensely when depressed. It can be helpful to address both pain control and attend to mental health when depression and pain occur together. Best of luck.
I am not your doctor and the following is not medical advice. Chronic pain conditions are associated with increased risk for depression. Since both conditions have a nervous system basis, they can affect each other. Some people experience worse pain when feeling more depressed, and likewise some people experience pain more intensely when depressed. It can be helpful to address both pain control and attend to mental health when depression and pain occur together. Best of luck.