Dentist Questions Dentist

Can dental issues cause speech issues?

I am a 24 year old male. I want to know can dental issues cause speech issues?

8 Answers

Dental issues can definitely cause articulation errors. You should get your teeth fixed and see if your speech issues persist. If they still are present, then therapy with a speech pathologist would be the next step in solving your problem. Good luck.
Yes. If crowns are not shaped correctly or denture teeth are set wrong you will get changes in speech. Also maligned teeth will cause speech problems.

Yes, dental issues can cause speech issues. Speech is produced using the tongue, lips, and teeth. I would suggest that you visit your dentist to see if the dental issues can be addressed.
Yes if your teeth are malaligned, they certainly can affect your speech. If your teeth look visibly straight, then I would recommend getting an evaluation by a speech therapist or speech pathologist first before seeing a dentist or orthodontist.
It is possible yes .
The tongue, teeth, jaws, lips, and cheeks can all affect your speech for correct forming of words. Cavities will limit mouth opening if you are protecting sensitive teeth. Teeth help limit the air passing in and out. The more tooth loss, the harder it is to pronounce words. If you lose part or all of your tongue due to cancer, your speech will be affected accordingly.
Dental abnormalities may affect speech intelligibility, yes. With a good therapist, most sounds are able to be achieved through compensatory strategies.

Ali Matisse, MS CCC-SLP
Yes. When the teeth don't align properly, you have a higher tendency to develop speech problems. Crooked, overlapping, and twisted teeth change the placement of your tongue and may allow excess air to pass between your teeth, creating a whistle when you speak. Contact your dental provider for a consult and/or evaluation to determine the best way to correct it.