“Can depression be passed down?”
I'm 23 years old and my father was diagnosed with depression. Is it possible for me to have depression in the future? Is there a genetic component?
8 Answers
Depression is something that everyone experiences at some point in their lives. There is a spectrum on which depression is measured, from mild, situational depression or dysthymia to clinical depression and manic disorders, that can be genetic. However, it is not guaranteed that you will experience depression at the same level as your father. When you see a medical or mental health professional, make sure your share this information, so that you can be monitored for any unusual changes.
Unless it’s bipolar disorder with hypo manic or depressive episodes depression is not passed down. Depression is a normal emotion that at times becomes intolerable. This can be triggered by many life events, such as grief, loss, or life changes. It’s a change in behavior that you have to practice in order to get through your depression and therapy helps
From existing research and clinical experience, depression is often viewed as a neuro-biological condition with tenants in genetic prediposition,
No, depression cannot be passed down through genetics. A family history can predispose you to have depressive tendencies, but it is not genetic and cannot be passed down like a medical condition.
Ashley Frantz, PhD
Ashley Frantz, PhD
Yes, there's a possibility, because there is a genetic component of depression. Also, when you live with someone with depressive symptoms, that environment itself can be a depressive environment, too - where people cannot talk loud or be lively since the depressive person is down or sleeping.
Depression may affect 10% of Americans at some point in their lives, and it is treatable. A person that has a relative who suffers from depression has an increased chance of getting depression which argues for a genetic component. With that said, it does not mean that everyone who may have a genetic predisposition may suffer from depression. Some individuals may have innate or learned abilities to overcome life challenges and may not have depression. Environmental factors such as loss, social isolation, breakup of a significant relationship may also elicit depression. When a genetic component for depression is strong, antidepressants may be recommended, especially when symptoms are severe (suicidal thoughts, lack of motivation to follow up with life tasks, and hopelessness). Psychotropic medication may alleviate the severity of symptoms. With or without medication, therapy aimed at increasing healthy coping skills, modifying perceptions in addition to behavioral changes is recommended.
It is possible but the level may be not quite the same. Studying about it and staying active in social activity is best