Psychologist Questions Alcoholism

Can a divorce drive people toward alcoholism?

I got divorced a month ago and have been drinking a lot since. Could my divorce have driven me toward drinking a lot? What can I do before it gets too out of hand?

3 Answers

Absolutely, especially if you are predisposed to alcoholism. I would recommend that you get yourself tp an AA program ASAP. If your problem is severe you might have to consider a short in-patient program.

 Marlene N. Kasman
Seek professional help from a psychologist or therapist to help you deal with the divorce using healthy coping strategies
We have a tendency to go through cycles in a divorce, and it should not be a real issue unless you have an addiction personality. As long as you are still working and doing your responsibilities and not drinking during your time with children, etc. After 6 months, you should be slowing down and make sure you do. Focus a lot on everything!