Psychologist Questions Depression

Can a divorce drive people toward depression?

My husband and I divorced last month and it hasn't been healthy for my state of mind. Our divorce has become messy. Is it normal for divorce to drive people toward depression? How can I help myself cope?

6 Answers

Divorce constitutes a LOSS of often great magnitude. Like any other major loss such as death, a job. health etc. it is normal that grief and mourning follow. Therapy, support groups can be helpful in coping.
In psychology there is a list of daily stressors or daily hassles. Going through a divorce or separation is one of the top stressors. Unfortunately, divorce is usually also combined with financial stress, location changes, shifting of social groups, family related issues, and at times issues related to children. It’s essential to make sure that you fit in time for self-care, and do some consults with a therapist to come up with a plan for coping and support.
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Divorce can create feelings of grief as there is a loss on many levels, loss of a partner, family-in-law, financial, home, spending less time with children due to having two different households etc. Depression may occur following divorce and it is important to connect with social network to overcome negative consequences of a divorce. You can also seek a support group for divorced individuals and/or individual therapy. Just remember that depression does not have to last long and it does get better.
Divorce frequently results in people experiencing symptoms of depression and anxiety because of the significant changes and losses that occur to one's life. Dealing with a hurt or angry ex-spouse adds to the stress. I recommend developing a support system comprised of friends and family members who you can talk to and spend time with doing enjoyable activities. You should focus on self care, insuring that you're eating healthfully, getting enough sleep, spending time outside, participating in exercise or another constructive activity.  Consider meeting with a therapist who can provide additional support and help coping with difficult circumstances or people. Try to identify aspects of your life you feel grateful for each day..Give yourself time to grieve and heal. Enjoy the process of re-discovering yourself as an individual and re-defining your goals and dreams.  
Absolutely, the two of you are separated now after years of togetherness. Depression is part of the pattern and learning aspects and then moving forward to happiness again in your life. Time will heal and don’t be afraid to see a counselor or friend about it time and time again.
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