Orthopedist Questions Fractures

Can a fracture change the structure of my finger forever?

I have had a fracture and now my finger seems to be tilted. Can my finger structure change because of a fracture?

6 Answers

Yes. If it heals crooked, it will stay that way.
Yes. If it heals crooked, it will stay that way.
Yes, and function.
More than likely yes. Only growing children can remodel a fracture. If the deformity is affecting you grasp or use of the hand then you may need surgical correction.
It sounds like it healed crooked. The only way to correct that would involve surgery. If it functions well and doesn't hurt or get in the way of everyday life I wouldn't worry about it. If it bothers you I would see a hand surgeon for a corrective osteotomy, where they break the bone and straighten it. Of course that would be done under an anesthetic.
You need to schedule an appointment with an Orthopaedic doctor for an evaluation of your finger.