Pediatrician Questions Pediatrician

Can kids get athletes foot?

My 12 year old son was diagnosed with athletes foot. Can kids get athletes foot?

4 Answers

Athletes foot is a fungi usually between the toes and secondary to poor hygiene and excessive humidity. It is in the same family of illnesses like “ringworms”. It is pretty common in kids with active life styles. Keep the area clean and dry, use talcum powder regularly and over the counter antifungal medication like Lotrimin AF or Lamisil cream. Make sure to Lysol spray their shoes and perhaps putting them under the sun to make sure they dry completely. Hope this brief explanation helps.

Yes children can get athletes foot from irritation. I usually recommend comfortable shoes and fungal cream for treatment.
Very young children very rarely will get it, but a 12 yr old could have athletes foot
Yes, it is caused by fungus.