“Can Parkinson's affect younger people?”
What is the typical age for Parkinson's disease? My friend went to the doctor recently and the doctors are screening for it now. He is only 40 years old, though.
6 Answers
Most patients with Parkinson's Disease are diagnosed after the age of 60. However, there are patients who present with PD much younger, even younger than 40.

Richard Grant Hunter
Parkinsons disease usually has onset after 50. Some cases can occur earlier, particularly if familial or there is a genetic inheiritance. There are also several disorders that closely resemble Parkinsons Disease but aren't. Usually takes a neurologist to sort this out.
Parkinson's disease is more common with advancing age . However it can be seen in patients below 20 ( juvenile PD) and below 40 ( young onset) . Young onset forms are more likely to be inherited forms
Parkinsons typically is diagnosed in someone's 60s, but at times it can be diagnosed pre-40 in rarer cases.