Physiatrist (Physical Medicine) Questions Pinched Nerve

Can physical therapy help a pinched nerve?

I have a pinched nerve in my shoulder that's causing me a lot of discomfort. I usually take meds for it, but they only work temporarily. Can physical therapy actually help?

6 Answers

Physical therapy can help with pinched nerves. They will also give you exercises to do at home and when you're better and have been discharged from therapy, you should continue to do the home exercises to stay well
How do ypu know this is a pinched nerve? There are so many pathologies in the shoulder. You should see a physical therapist
Yes it can- definitely go and the exercises they show you will take some pressure off the shoulder and help the pain
Yes, it can. Results will depend on severity. There are several different approaches that are can be very beneficial, but you will need an evaluation to accurately determine a course of treatment.
The shoulder is a very complex area with many nerves and muscles working through an intricate webbing. Physical therapy is pertinent to guide you in restoring efficient movement, functional use, and mobility to maintain or enhance your desired of fitness level. If you are experiencing recurring or persistent nerve pain through the arm, then your shoulder problem is quite complex. Please consider a referral to a skilled physical therapist with a history in upper extremity care.
Yes, PT, especially dry needling, will help with pinched nerves along with nerve stretches.