Vascular Surgeon Questions Spider Veins

Can spider veins go away on their own?

After my pregnancy, I noticed that I had spider veins on the bottom of legs. Will these spider veins go away on its own? What are the treatment options?

10 Answers

Spider veins do not go away on their own. You can prevent them from getting worse by wearing compression stockings and elevating legs when possible. You may undergo Sclerotherapy to get rid of them. I would strongly recommend seeing a vascular surgeon before getting cosmetic Sclerotherapy. Often times these are the tip of iceberg and you likely have problems with large veins under your skin that are under pressure
No. Best treatment is sclerotherapy.

Most times, spider veins do not go away spontaneously. Sometimes weight loss or the end of a pregnancy can help.
Spider veins don’t typically go away once they form. After pregnancy (delivery), weight loss, they may be less noticeable. To make them go away you may need sclerotherapy. This is a medical procedure where we inject a medicine into the veins to close them.
The best way to treat these veins (assuming any underlying vein issues have been taken care of) is by injection sclerotherapy. This is where a tiny needle is used to inject a medication which irritates the inside of the vein and causes it to close up. This should only be done by a vein specialist, as there are a wide variety of sclerosants that can be used, and picking the right one is important for the best results.

Spider veins may sometimes decrease in size (especially in the first few months after pregnancy), but they usually need treatment to go away completely.
Spider veins can go away on their own, but it is not likely.  During pregnancy, there is increased venous back pressure in your legs.  Spider veins can form because of this venous hypertension.  It is especially likely if you suffered from leg swelling.  A vein specialist can evaluate your problem and ask specific questions to see if you need further studies or if spider vein treatment alone is likely to be successful.  Sclerotherapy, or injection of an FDA-approved drug into the spider veins, works by causing the small veins to go into spasm, and injures the vein lining.  The veins eventually get absorbed by your body.  Please be aware that spider vein elimination is a process, and you will need 2-3 treatments on average to make them disappear.
Unlike varicose veins or vulvar veins that occur during pregnancy and often resolve following delivery, the spider veins that appear during pregnancy often do not resolve. The options for treatment include injection sclerotherapy and laser treatments. Both treatments are effective yet both types will likely require multiple sessions. Both are mildly uncomfortable and could lead to some discoloration of the skin afterwards. The number of treatment sessions with laser therapy is usually higher than with injection sclerotherapy. To have the best results with either, you may choose a vein specialist who is experienced with these procedures. Check out the AVLS (American Venous & Lymphatic Society) website or a provider who has certification with the ABVLM (American Board of Venous & Lymphatic Medicine). AND, you should know, if you made spider veins with this pregnancy you will almost certainly make more with your next!!

KathyLee Santangelo, MD
Typically they do not.
Generally, all varicose veins enlarge over time. They are extremely unlikely to improve. It’s due to the anatomy of the veins, that the small valves allow blood to flow backwards.