“Can steroids make my daughter overweight?”
My daughter is on steroid treatment for her kidney disorder, but she has also been gaining a lot of weight. Could this be from the steroids?
8 Answers
Using steroids for a long time (more than two weeks) can cause serious side effects, including abnormal blood sugar, cataracts, weight gain, and muscle weakness. It should be regulated and closely monitored by a physician.
A short burst of steroids of < than 10 days in tapering doses will have no side effects. Long-term use of steroids does have tremendous side effects, including weight gain.
It could be from the steroids— but it also could be caused by the kidney disease. Check with her doctor.
Yes, kids could retain more water in their bodies and gain wt. Besides gaining wt., if used for a long time, it could affect bone development, causing retardation in growth and demineralization of bones, prone for more fractures.
As she has a kidney problem, it is possible she can have swelling of the feet, legs, hands, and face. Now that she is on steroids, which can increase her weight also, it depends on the extent of her kidney problem, diet control, and simple daily yoga practice. Steroids are essential and need to be followed as per her doctor's advice.