Dentist Questions Toothaches

Can a toothache make my jaw hurt?

I have a toothache in my one of my lower teeth, in the back, and also my jaw hurts. Can this be from tooth pain? How does the pain from a toothache spread?

7 Answers


The cranial nerve V, supplies the face. It branches and will supply the upper and lower jaws including all teeth. So, a toothache can be related to jaw pain. But I would urge a visit to the dentist to rule out other possible differential diagnosis; bruxism, clenching, etc.
Hope this helped!
It can spread to your ears, eyes, jaws and temporal areas.
The nerve line running to your lower teeth follows the from around your ear running down the underside of the lower teeth to the front of your mouth. If you have any infections or pain from a tooth it can feel like it’s all of them on the side because it’s all on the same nerve.

I would suggest going in to get that offending tooth checked out ASAP. An infection can spread to other teeth as the abscess gets larger. Worst case scenario, it can spread to your brain. Please handle it sooner than later. Cheers.
Yes, sometimes referred pain might radiate to the jaw
The nerves that supply the teeth run through the jaw. If you have a toothache it affects this nerve and can make the whole jaw hurt. This is called referred pain.
Yes your whole jaw can hurt from a single toothache. The teeth share the same nerve.