“Can type 2 diabetes be completely reversed?”
I was diagnosed with type 2 diabetes a while ago, but I've treated it as a wake up call to take better care of myself. I've changed my diet and I'm starting to exercise more. I've even lost some weight! My doctor is pretty impressed with the progress I've made, needless to say, but he also says I have a long way to go because of my age. But, if I keep doing what I'm doing, is it possible for my diabetes to be completely cured?
4 Answers
Since diabetes is a combination of an inherited & environmental disease, the answer is No & Yes. You cannot change the genetic factors you inherited so that will always be there. So in that sense diabetes never is "cured". You can, and you have, modified the environmental factors and that may cause a regression of the symptoms of diabetes. Some people think this has cured the diabetes, but if you relax, stop the diet, stop the exercise & gain back the weight (the environmental triggers) the diabetes will come roaring back. So continue what you are doing. Don't let up. Be sure to check your blood sugar frequently and be sure to have your Dr. check your HbA1c often & get it <7 or preferable <6.5 depending on your age. Good luck.