Phlebologist Questions Varicose Veins

Can varicose veins affect my girlfriend's pregnancy?

My girlfriend (32 years old) has varicose veins... and she's entering her third trimester. She says that varicose veins are a normal part of pregnancy, but I'm just really worried that it's going to cause some sort of complication during her delivery. Are my concerns valid? This is also her first pregnancy.

4 Answers

Varicise veins usually worsens during pregnancy and are not much a concern especially perilabial. If on the lower extremity, and worsening a consultation with a perinatologist will be appropriate
Stay active 3-4 times a day. Lie down with feet elevated.
The short answer is that the varicose veins will not cause any complications during her delivery. Many factors during pregnancy contribute to the development of venous insufficiency and varicose veins, including the hormonal changes, increased blood volume, and the pressure of the baby on the pelvic veins during the third trimester. The good news is that with modern treatment modalities, she can have her varicose veins treated soon after the baby is born. In the interim, she should compression hose for support and comfort.
If the varicose veins are in the vulva there could be an issue at time of delivery. If they are the legs, this should not be of concern. They can become inflamed and tender, pregnant or not
