“Can you drink coffee after dental bonding?”
I am a 24 year old female. I want to know if you can drink coffee after dental bonding?
14 Answers
Sure, coffee will stain your teeth and any bonding you have the same way. It depends of the amount of coffee, dry mouth smoking, red wine, etc. that you expose yourself to. Unless you hold a mouthful of coffee on the bonding
That’s a good question. It depends on if it’s porcelain or composite restorations. There is not much issue with porcelain, but composite binding will stain.
Dental bonding is cured and ready to go immediately after treatment. You can eat and drink whatever you like after the numbness goes away. However, coffee can stain the bonding if you do not brush and floss the teeth after drinking it so be advised. Good oral hygiene is essential, especially after getting bondings.

Dr. Alan Bruce Steiner
Dentist | General Practice
Coffee or things like grape juice can stain bonding if it is not smooth enough. This usually can be polished off if the bonding is porcelain that will not stain. I never tell my patients to stop drinking coffee. I have never had a complaint in 50 years.
Alan B. Steiner, DMD
Alan B. Steiner, DMD
Sure you can. Bonding can take about 24 hours to reach full strength, but as long as you're not numb, it will be safe to drink anything (hot or cold) and won't pick up extra stains.
Yes, you can. Bonding gets stained over time no matter what you eat or drink, though it partly depends on how much food coloring is in your daily diet.
No matter how small the procedure may be on any given tooth, post-op sensitivity is expected. Hot, cold, and heavy pressure all can create this sensitivity and it is best to avoid these stimulants for the first week to allow proper healing to occur. 1 week- 1 month is a normal time frame for this sensitivity to be present but can last longer if the healing process is blocked. So yes, you can drink coffee as long as its not overly hot or cold. However, if drinking the coffee causes sensitivity, it is best to avoid until the healing process is further along.