“Can you get an MRI or CT scan while pregnant?”
I am a 25 year old pregnant woman. I want to know if you can get an MRI or CT scan while pregnant?
4 Answers
CT scan is dangerous for pregnancy due to radiation...MRI is less dangerous..but still should be avoided...unless it is extremely necessary...but the first trimester of pregnancy is dangerous ...& should avoid these 2 exams...
Imaging in pregnancy is always determined by the necessity for the mother's health. As a general rule, any necessary imaging can be performed. If possible ultrasound is used. MRI is the next favored modality during pregnancy. CT is considered generally the least favored during pregnancy, especially when the imaging includes the abdomen or pelvis.
MRI is OK. CT can be done if necessary if pelvis is shielded, better after 1 st trimester. If pelvis is scanned risk is low, but not zero. Should discuss risks with radiologist.