“Can you get a filling without numbing?”
I'm 19 years old, and I need to get a dental filling on a small cavity in the back of my mouth. Can I do this without numbing it?
7 Answers
My answer will depend on how deep the cavity is: if it is a small one, a dentist should be able to get the cavity done without any injections. I would recommend just a topical anesthetic for your comfort. Don’t forget, you are the boss in the dental chair. Having said that, you can request no anesthesia whatsoever.
My answer will depend on how deep the cavity is: if it is a small one, a dentist should be able to get the cavity done without any injections. I would recommend just a topical anesthetic for your comfort. Don’t forget, you are the boss in the dental chair. Having said that, you can request no anesthesia whatsoever.
Yes, if the cavity is small and you feel you won't have any pain, you can choose to do the filling without numbing.
Owen M. Waldman, DMD
Owen M. Waldman, DMD
Well, you can, but you can have it done with a lot less pain and the anesthesia will wear off, usually without much pain.