“Can you get paralyzed from chiropractor?”
I am a 40 year old female. I want to get a chiropractic adjustment but I am afraid. Can you get paralyzed from chiropractor?
12 Answers
Yes, you can from a chiropractor not from the chiropractic. I mean if the DC is not experienced yet so he didn't follow the right protocol of treatment = the right orthopedic, neurologic, muscles tests and the right examinations protocol, including the best history, X-rays, and so on, evaluating the patient conditions on all sides of wellness.
Not likely. Make sure you go to a chiropractor that does a proper exam with X-rays to make sure you don't have anything contradictory to adjustments.
While no treatment has guarantees, the possibility for adverse effects of a chiropractic adjustment is very rare.
Chiropractic is very save and effective. We studied 8 years learning proper biomechanics of the spine and were only trained the safest and most effective ways to adjust and correct slight misalignments of the spine. Chiropractic adjustments are very safe and Non invasive so my answer is no.
It is my opinion that you have a better chance of winning lottery than getting paralyzed by a Chiropractor. Hope that helps. Got your back! Dr Todd Gewant FYI, there are techniques that don’t even require manipulation of vertebra. Non-force techniques like Activator or SOT.
I have never heard of anyone getting paralyzed from a chiropractor. The adjustment is safe and precautions are taken prior to the procedure to make sure. A careful and complete consultation and examination will be done.
You need not worry about being paralyzed.
You need not worry about being paralyzed.
A chiropractic adjustment is a very safe treatment. A thorough history with your professionally trained chiropractor will ensure the safest outcome. While there is a chance for injury, it is statistically very minimal. In fact, it is 1 in 5 million chance. That is why it is very important to share all details of your medical history with your chiropractor. If your chiropractor is not asking plenty of questions or taking a thorough examination, then you may want to visit another office. Please remember, a trained chiropractor will provide a safe treatment.
It is highly unlikely for you to become paralyzed from a chiropractic adjustment. You would have to have a severe underlying condition along with a highly negotiable doctor for something that severe to occur.
If you have a healthy normal 40 year old spine, and do not have any systemic diseases that affects the spine or spinal cord, you have nothing to worry about. Chiropractic is a very safe method of manipulation. Any adverse reactions to Chiropractic care are rare and usually minor if they occur. There is no correlation between paralysis and Chiropractic treatments.