“Can you get pregnant 5 days after your period?”
I am a 28 year old female. I want to know if you can get pregnant 5 days after your period?
3 Answers
It is possible if you ovulate early and/or if you had sex a few days BEFORE since the sperm can last up to 72 hours.
Surprising as it sounds, it is quite possible to conceive with intercourse at any time during the month. The explanation is that on occasion, especially if a woman's period is not always on time, it is possible for an egg "follicle" to be already getting ready for release "ovulation" much earlier that usual.
V T Goudas, MD
Vasili T Goudas MD
Surprising as it sounds, it is quite possible to conceive with intercourse at any time during the month. The explanation is that on occasion, especially if a woman's period is not always on time, it is possible for an egg "follicle" to be already getting ready for release "ovulation" much earlier that usual.
V T Goudas, MD
Vasili T Goudas MD