“Can you still get depressed while on antidepressants?”
I am a 37 year old female and I am taking antidepressants. Can you still get depressed while on antidepressants?
6 Answers
Of course you can. First of all, it is possible that the main factors of the depression are psychological and have to be addressed in psychotherapy. It may also be that the antidepressant has to have an adjustment in dosage. Also, sometimes one antidepressant will not be effective in a particular person and another one will work well. All these things need to be discussed with the professional or professionals with whom you are working.
Absolutely, yes. An adjustment in dosage, an augmenting medication, a change of meds, or the addition of therapy to your current prescribed medication are a few means of helping you feel better. Talk to your doc -- and I will strongly emphasize that you need to be seeing an M.D. psychiatrist, not a family or general practitioner, not a P.A. or nurse practitioner; this is complicated stuff, and you need a highly-trained professional -- about your mood state and how it can be more effectively addressed.
Yes. On SSRIs like Prozac, there is a “poop out syndrome” where the medicine is no longer as effective. A dose increase often solves it. It’s also possible to have a breakthrough depression even on a medicine that’s been helping. This should be discussed with your prescriber.
Douglas Geenens
Leawood, Kansas
Of course. Anti-depressants are only part of the solution when dealing with depression. Modifying one's environment to be healthy, providing a milieu for the brain to heal is a very important strategy to combine with anti-depressants. Also, making sure your diagnosis is accurate and the medication is the right one for you is also helpful.
Douglas Geenens, DO
Douglas Geenens, DO
Great question! Anti-depressants tend to make certain aspects of depression much better. Sometimes they do not always resolve. Also, certain things inside and outside the body can battle back the buoyancy that the medications give you. Also, sometimes medications do “Poopout“. Important to remember is that nobody is happy 100% all the time.I would suggest consulting with the psychiatrist to find out if it is the medication, outside stressors or internal changes, etc. unquestionably, go ahead and talk to your psychiatrist or psychopharmacologist to get back on track.
Lance Steinberg, MD, Inc.
Lance Steinberg, MD, Inc.