Cardiologist Questions Cardiology

Can you stop a heart attack at home?

I am a 55 year old female. I want to know if you can stop a heart attack at home?

1 Answer

Most heart attacks are caused by the rupture of a plaque in a heart artery or coronary artery with clot formation at the site of rupture. There are very few things you can do to relieve this at home. Perhaps the only thing you can do that may slightly increase the chance that the clot breaks up and restore flow is the chew an aspirin. This allows it to dissolve quickly inhibit the platelets that allow the clot, in about five or 10% of the cases, to break up and restore blood flow prior to arriving at the hospital. At no time should you delay in anyway calling 911 and getting to the nearest emergency room as soon as possible. Home treatments do not work for heart attacks.