Pulmonologist Questions Pulmonologist

Can you survive double pneumonia?

I am a 42 year old male. I have double pneumonia. Can you survive double pneumonia?

5 Answers

Why not? Depends on how sick you are. That is a layman’s term, like walking pneumonia.
Yes, with right antibiotics you can be treated as outpatient to treat double pneumonia.
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Yes, you can with appropriate treatment. Support with oxygen if necessary, antibiotics if indicated, etc.
All "double pneumonia" means is that you have pneumonia in both lungs, the left and the right. Yes, of course this is survivable. A lot depends on other factors. Potentially very serious. Doctors would not treat anything if it was "not survivable" at all.

William Z. Cohen, M.D., FAAFP
Yes, of course, with proper care.