Implant Dentistry Questions Dentist

Can you use existing dentures for implants?

I am a 56 year old female. I worry about being able to get dentures with the coronavirus.

5 Answers

Sometimes existing denture can be used as an overdenture with new implants but usually, it is better to get a new denture
Difficult question. If you need dentures or even implants, you should be safe with the dentist since it does not create aerosol. Just ask your dentist to follow CDC guidelines.
Indeed you can. It all depends on how old your denture is. Your dentist can place 2-3 implants, then place your denture on top of the implants. That’s called over denture. You will be able to remove it to clean. Assuming we are talking about your lowers, which is hard for patients to retain it. The uppers require 4 implants.
If existing dentures are in good condition, it is possible to use implants and some attachment like “locator attachments” to secure an existing denture. Even in a more complicated implant restoration like “All-on-4,” an old denture is modified to use with the plan to create a new restoration later.

Daniel A. Lieblong, DDS
Great question!
You may use your existing denture during the healing phase of implant surgery. If you have an older denture, you may want to have a new implant retained denture made due to the wear and tear of the existing denture teeth. If you opt to keep the existing denture, you may have to be without them for a period of time while they are modified at a laboratory to be able to attach to the implants.
I hope this helps.